Our Team

Tanzeem Choudhury


Sirat Samyoun

Postdoctoral Associate

Dan Adler

PhD Candidate

Yiran Zhao

PhD Candidate

Tan Gemicioglu

PhD Student

Thalia Viranda

PhD Student

Eden Shaveet

PhD Student

Yuewen Yang

Research Intern

Joey Castillo

Technologist in Residence


Past Projects


Welcome Eden Shaveet!

Eden Shaveet has joined the lab as a PhD student. Welcome, Eden!

CHI 2024 pub on LLMs in psychotherapy.

Lab members Yuewen Yang, Thalia Viranda, and Dan Adler have a new publication presented at CHI exploring how language models can augment psychotherapy. Check out their paper!

New pub in npj Mental Health Research.

Check out Dan Adler's new publication analyzing the reliability of smartphone sensing depression measurement tools here.

Joey Castillo presented The Open Book in Brussels!

Joey presented his work at the FOSDEM '24 conference. Check out his talk here!

Yiran Zhao's work on anti-anxiety wearable devices is in the news!

Zhao's work on developing a device that simulates affective touch to reduce perceived stress and anxiety has been featured on New Atlas and NewScientist. Also check out their publication, here!

Joey Castillo presents at Teardown 2023.

Joey presented his work on microcontrollers in June 2023. Check out his talk here!





Danny Wyatt (PhD)

Staff Software Engineer, Meta

Nic Lane (PhD)

Professor, University of Cambridge

Mu Lin (PhD)

Engineering Manager, Stripe

Hong Lu (PhD)

Principal Researcher, Intel Labs

Mi Zhang (postdoc)

Associate Professor, The Ohio State University

Stephen Voida (postdoc)

Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder

Mashfiqui Rabbi (PhD)

Senior Principal Research Scientist, Optum Labs

Hane Aung (postdoc)

Associate Profesor, University of East Anglia

Saeed Abdullah (PhD)

Assistant Professor, Penn State

Mike Merrill (Undergrad)

PhD Student, University of Washington

Tauhidur Rahman (PhD)

Assistant Professor, University of California San Diego

Akane Sano
(Visiting Scientist)

Assistant Professor, Rice University

Jean Costa (PhD)

Research Scientist, Toyota Research Institute

Alexander Adams (PhD)

Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

Vincent Tseng (PhD)

Data Scientist, Verily Life Sciences

Dave Miller (postdoc)

Assistant Teaching Professor, Tufts University

Xinyue Cao
(Research Intern)

Master's Student, Cornell Tech